Lately I've been doing more robot stuff, so I decided to do some of the robots from the fallout series. As you can see some where more difficult then others
This was the complete version, fully painted and primed.
My Mr gutsy robot, on patrol, this was the most fun to do. I had planned on doing this one for a few days before painting it so I had a map of what I was going to do already.
Like My Mr Gutsy, Robo brain bot had been pre planned, but was a bit harder due to more complex designs in the head and the tank treads. I researched this one the longest.
The sentry bot was the hardest for almost all sorts of reasons. There wasn't as many souce photos, he had a more complex structure and build, he had a lot more pieces to comstruct. I will re work this one, but for now its all I can do, I have other projects to complete and I have more postings to make.