
Tuesday, October 30, 2012

I am not happy.

Why I am unhappy.
Lately I have been asked and "swaded" to compromise my style of painting. Why is that so bad? Well, its not bad I suppose however compaired to what I was doing before and what I am doing now is......not the same.
Adding more detail, refinement and just over all more is ruining my simple and muddy paintings. can I do detail...yes sir I sure can. However sometimes the best things are the things you cant see. I focus more on shape, color and "the bleed" more then anything. I am not happy wih my work anymore now that I have bounderies and things that I have to do in high rendering.
Its an uphill battle to convince people I can do the things they want...just dont ask for it to be detailed...cause it will look like shit. Anyway this was an add I did for robot wars, it was a school assignment that I over worked and over did and I am not satisfied with this peice at all.
Ill post it on DA also because I dont think this is going into my portfolio. If you compair it to the work I was doing previously in my water color section of work you will understand why I feel this way about my new works.

Stay thirty my friends.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Sick....of being sick

I caught the flu this week, and I am not happy. working around the clock to get a job, finish projects and do school work, then the cherry on my cake is to get so sick Ican't even wake up on time is frustrating.
All i do is drink fluids and piss them out when I am sick, and I don't like being non-productive. I need to be working on something, but being sick has actually had me falling asleep in the middle of work.
Everyone tells me to rest..oh yeah thats real easy to and watch helplessly from the side lines while your work piles up in a huge heap. I hate being sick, its the biggest waste of time I know, next to an occupy rally. Occupiers sit on there ass all day and do nothing...they must be sick a lot.
Anyway..oh yeah I did mention I am looking for work....well hopefully after the election more jobs will open up for everyone and finding a job wont be as hard as it is now.
Also dont forget to vote everyone, and be safe, who knows if the state department is going to send the black panthers out to threaten people again this year.
Anyway, Hopefully I can keep this flu to myself and everyone can have a wonderful week.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

We don't take kindy to stranger round here.

My final semester is horrible, and thats all the good news I got. Its been a rough week, seems like everything that could have gone wrong; has gone wrong. I am running off 6 hours of sleep a night if I am lucky. I wake up at 5 and my day doesnt end until.....whenever.  I had my eyes dialated and that screwed up my day pretty bad. I got tones of work to do but I decided to post up this little gem I made for my last assignment...

Bon Appitite.