
Sunday, May 26, 2013

Love it, hate it, leave it.

Its been a rough week and a new one is around the corner.  and I am just not ready for it. Anyway this week sucked and I didn't get as many videos out as I would have liked to. But I am going to keep making some. Please be patient as I am also going to be doing some actual commentary on my videos.
I've been multitasking like crazy to get a bunch of things done, and I was able to reach most of my goals for last week. I have a huge headache and dealing with arrogant people isn't going easy.
Apparently everyone thinks they are a fucking genius, when they actually just speak to sound smart. They are dumb as fuck in real life. Either way its these dumb fucks running your system so...yeah enjoy.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Chaos Space Marines Continue.

This is a water color painting I did of the Chaos disciples of Khorne.
Apparently many of my videos on you tube are banned in Germany for reasons of the music that I choose.
I can change the music to my videos, if I just wanted to have stark silence for them...then they would be really exciting right?!
Seriously, if my videos are banned in Germany then its their loss. I cant change the law and I have done everything I can to follow copyright laws and give credit to the artist. That's why I use the artist, because I like there music. But I don't know why Germany doesn't seem to like me, maybe a good German person can explain this too me.
Seems that in my weekly rating report that Germans have no problem with downloading my work and using it for ...whatever Germans use my work for, with out my consent. But I don't block them and tell them they are in violation of copy write issues. I am not profiting from any of my videos so I don't quite understand why you tube has decided to target my videos and ban me in Germany.
Ill write a letter to the German ambassador and ask him why. Maybe they discovered that I don't like bratwurst? Or that I never approved of the Volkswagen Jetta? Either way, I hope that Germany will forgive me my sins and take me back. Ill send the ambassador some chocolates and we can chat over some coffee.    

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Upcoming week business.

I have a lot of things to do in a short amount of time. I will be keeping regular updates on my process, I am still trying to do a lot of things I wanted to do before but I am breaking my way through them one piece at a time. I found that trying to accomplish 5 tasks at once makes your work harder and takes longer.
Starting Monday and Tuesday I will be finishing the last 2 war hammer pieces. On top of that I am off to the printers by Tuesday to print off business cards and other items to complete my portfolio. Also Monday will be preparing tear sheets and resume cover letters. I will be mailing them out once I have finished a clients list and so on so forth.
So the first two days of the week are going to be busy. I am committed to continue working, I still have things I want to fine tune.
Hopefully by Friday I will have everything completed and I will be a step closer to finishing everything I want to get done.

Newest video was delayed.

Due to some technical issues I had to post pone this video by one day putting me behind in my work.
Anyway this is part two of my four part series. I am still trying to figure out what else I would like to do, I think I would like to try my hand at some more movie related images to help build my portfolio.
We'll see.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Plague Marine water color painting.

I did another video tutorial, but for some reason my software cut it near the end so I am posting it here with the finished version of picture.

Alien painting tutorial

This one turned out better then my last video, and I think I am getting into the hang of my craft. My paintings are getting better, and I am becoming more patient with my work.
This was the final product after the video was done. I hope it turns some heads, I posted it on you tube and deviant art. Please enjoy.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

My youtube account is active.

I made this video of my painting technics and posted it on you tube. Check it out, but be sure to turn your volume down, cause its pretty loud. Ill also post the original image here and on my deviant art page.