
Monday, June 29, 2015

So far.

Lately I have been working really hard, but I needed to do a quick update and just show what I have been up to in my day.
So far my summer hasn't been so much as a its been a red bull fueled nightmare.
I find that my thoughts move faster then my hands will allow, and I am in a constant game of catch-up.
So I was doing some rough drafts of vehicle concepts,  Fun yeah, its hard when your hands can keep up with your mind. Especially when your mind is racing at 500mph with new ideas and concepts. So I took one of these rough sketches and did a rough pass.
Pretty much a giant war machine used to trample out any form of resistance. It is a concept I am still playing around with for an armored assault vehicle for my story.
Then I have my actual comic that I am still in the middle of editing and adding speech too.
I've discovered that doing text in comic form, is an art to itself. I need to fix the gutter, but aside from that; this is how it will look.
I've been working tirelessly into the hours of the day, and my summer is just about spent. While everyone else is at the beach, and getting drunk...then come home to sneer and make false claims to how I am a lazy pig; the hypocrisy is not lost on me.
So have fun at the bars, idiots. I will be in my studio, laboring away. it may not be the "greatest story ever told" but its my story, my work, and frankly a drunk, sneering, illiterate buffoon has no room to judge my works.
I am a bit bitter that I don't have the time to go out and spend time outside and catch some sun. Lately I am exhausted from my labors, but I am a slave to my work; and I cannot stop until it is done. But the work is never done, because once I put something down something else arises to take its place.
Anyway, please enjoy and hopefully I will have more finished this week. I know I haven't posted in a while, but again I have been super busy.
I will be posting as work comes up.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

There is no greater sorrow.

Yay another video up on the youtube, and here is some of my latest work

Oh the things I do for you, at the cost of my own sanity. But any-who, so far a lot more work is coming, and boy oh' boy, am I super excited. Sadly for you however a lot of my new pieces will only be shared on my website.
So lets start off with what is not working so far. You tube and the agency I signed on with don't really do a lot for me. I don't seem to get much support as far as views, or just getting my name out there.
Also blogger and my website are not to bad...I seem to only get views from robots in Russia or something....or Ill see my work posted someplace else with some jack ass claiming its his....whatever.
So I am going to limit my work for a little while, until I can get a firm grasp on what I want to do.
I guess I am expecting to much and several people have suggested I lower my prices down on my original works. Well...all prices are negotiable so I don't understand the issue.
Anyway, I've been sort of stuck in a rut as far as how to get my name out there without making a spectacle of myself and acting the fool in the public eye like a lot of you tube celebrities do. I figure people like a good product made with the best I am going to rethink my strategy and get it done.
In the mean time I am going to continue working and making my art work the way I want to....which I think confuses a lot of people.
Not many people really know what to call my work.
What do you think?

Monday, June 8, 2015

Its about the journey, not the destination.

Hey Everybody, check out my new work, will be making another post later on today...or perhaps tomorrow. In keeping up with my promise to make more submissions regularly, I find I am running out of things to write about. However summer vacation is upon us, and soon my city will be empty and I will have free reign to wander anywhere I want and report on anything you so desire.
ALSO- Don't forget I still have work hanging at the Fireside lounge in Alameda, near Oakland. So come check me out and check out the other talents showcasing with me. They are great guys and deserve your support.
ALSO will be having some comic panels posted soon....they are almost finished.
ALSO....I will be spending the next 2 weeks alone in the "ghost house". Super Spoopy, wish me luck. I hope the ghouls don't get me.
ALSO, in related working news, I am still working on my playing card project. So far cards that are finished are
King of Hearts
King of Spades
King of Clubs
Queen of diamonds
Queen of Spades
Jack of hearts
Jack of Diamonds
Ace of Diamonds
Ace of Clubs
And that is all.

Friday, June 5, 2015

Do you make mistakes? Then Fix them.

its alright to make mistakes....learning to fix them is another story. My latest video instalment of awesomeness...enjoy the real sounds of voyager

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Wednesday, June 3, 2015


Yes I went to one, and it was kind of awesome. Imagine a sleepy little town that has about 100 people that wander aimlessly about there day in a place with about 50 houses and a few business buildings.
This town was awesome.
It had an old world, western charm, and gave me some inspiration to do some stuff in the future.
Honestly this place was a lot of fun, and could easily be used for a movie set for zombie film.
San Juan Bautista was the name of the place, if you ever get board and want to take a trip to a Scooby doo ghost town. Its so quiet you'd swear there wasn't even a town there.
I had a quiet day, of just sight seeing. I got to take a break from the regular grind, and got some old school Americana history.
One of the buildings I went to have my lunch, was an old butchers shop. The building was a worn away local quarried stone, but because the stone was in decay, it was outlined with a tin carapace.
Even the Tin was decorated in an old world European metal smith style.
Last picture is the side of the building...all tin panels.