You've failed so badly Yale, and all the other ivy league shitholes.
Its hilarious to think you can have a civil debate, when you allow fascist to run wild around your fucking campus. You and the rest of the Ivy league schools are a national laughing stock and a joke. Yale, Harvard, and Princeton are all over priced re-education camps for socialist doctrine and hate. All of the staff should be ashamed of themselves for allowing this garbage to continue to this point. You are no longer in control of the school, and this whole "white privilege" bullshit is on you. You are not educators, you are white washers of ideas. You have perpetuated this Maoist and communist weed to grow in your garden and now you will taste the rotten fruits which it produces. Shame on you universities, and shame on your wretched students who don't even have a brain in there skull or the will to use such organ.
You have sent the institutions of higher learning behind by almost 200 years with your spinelessness, and your willingness to participate in poisonous ideas. I hope that your institutions all go into financial ruin, because your reputation will never recover. This is the bullshit you have been teaching these brats that terrorize your campus. You created this mess, you need to deal with it, and I seriously hope that in about 2 years your buildings will all be empty and abandon.
There is no teacher or employee in your staff that can excuse this bullshit, and to attempt to excuse this debacle you have created is almost a second suicide shot in your face. You have been preaching this "anti-white" and "anti-American" shit for so long you idiots actually started to believe it.
I hope your happy Yale, and the rest of the shit hole universities out there. You are the first victim of your own stupidity, and though you deserve worst; the worst is yet to come. Hope you fuck-tards saved some money for the long winter.
Also note: Nobody should be employing your students....they are all worthless and lazy.