I thought I would be able to replace some of the things that I lost during my move, but it turns out penny auctions are a big scam...and I fell for it.
The way it works it you have to buy in to bid, if you open an account you start off with 60$ worth of a 100 bids...sounds alright...right? well those bids add up after a while and most of the time you are competing against people who A: have money to burn. and B: have unlimited free time to monitor these things.
Usually an auction doesn't last long, they show you the stuff and you just bid the hell out of it until you win, and you stop bidding once you reach your limit. Online penny auctions could take days to get the product you wanted, and even if you wait, there is a slim chance you will win. If you loose, not only is the item gone, but you have wasted a lot of money trying to get something you could have saved time and money and just bought it from the store.
I learned a lesson however, not to do penny auctions ever again. I am embarrassed to admit I spent 2 days and 100$ for nothing...that's an expensive lesson, one I choose to share with you before you decide to take the easy way out and go throwing your money into the wind on penny auctions. Yes I was a sucker, and yes I thought it was an easy and cheap way to get some cool gear online...but its all a sham. Unless you have infinite time and money, don't do it. Its pretty much a gamble and they treat the sites like a game, enticing you with dares of "unlocking" certain features that somehow will make you the king of all auctions. Save your time and money friends, I watched for hours as people bid like mad men, remembering that bids cost money. They are worth only a penny, but they don't sell them cheap. So you buy 100 bids, for 60.00$, you paying roughly almost 60 cents to a dollar per-bid. Roughly...I am not a math pro, but my calculators broken so give me a break for a sec, I was terrible in math class. Anyway so you spend 60 bucks for 100 bids and you think you own the world and you can't loose...guess again. Some of these people have been saving up over 2000 bids for to win the item your on. I know...I watched some of these people just throwing bids away and not winning anything. I watched these people bid over 25 times in 5 minutes...imagine what there afternoon is like? They just burn through money, when they could have saved time and just went to the fucking store and bought the thing. Well, I decided after spending 100 bucks, that I have had enough, I closed my account and quietly went back to my labors and erased the last 2 days from my mind. Avoid penny auctions, they are worst then Vegas, and the risk isn't worth it.
Anyway, this has been my blog, I will have more stuff up later. I have finally re-opened my studio so i am in the game again.
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